Hello! 👋🏼 I am Hrvoje Vuković, an iOS developer from Croatia.

In 2017, I started my programming career as a Java developer, but my desire has always been to work as an iOS developer, so in 2020, my career began in the development of iOS mobile applications.

I've been actively enhancing my skills in the ever-evolving realm of iOS programming, with a recent focus on mastering SwiftUI, embracing its capabilities to create more robust and user-friendly applications.

In my pursuit to share knowledge, showcase projects, and connect with fellow enthusiasts, I launched this website in 2024. It's a platform reflecting my journey, insights, and the exciting future of my iOS development.

When I'm not working on iOS development, I enjoy spending time with my child and wife, loving nature and walks. Also, I like sports, especially football and Formula 1. In my free time, I watch movies and TV series, assemble puzzles, collect stickers, and play PlayStation games. These activities relax me and inspire creativity in my work.